Eric Donnell

Eric Donnell is the associate dean for research and professor of civil engineering. His responsibilities include aspects of research administration, research-based graduate programs and courses, graduate-student and post-doc affairs, intellectual property, and industry relations. Contact him for assistance with matters related to these topics, including cost-sharing and contract negotiations.

Contact Information:

102C Hammond Building
University Park, PA 16802 

If you have other questions pertaining to internal funding initiatives, please contact


Eric Donnell

button: meet our staff


The Office of Engineering Research Administration (OERA) serves the research administration needs of faculty and graduate students in the College of Engineering. We are responsible for direct support and assistance to faculty in proposal development, preparation and processing; grant and contract administration; and coordination of activities with University and sponsor offices.

Office of Engineering Research Administration

112 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710
